
我系罗国安教授撰写的英文专著《Systems Biology for Traditional Chinese Medicine》(《中医药系统生物学》)2012年6月由John Wiley正式出版(512页,ISBN: 978-0-470-63797-5),中国中医科学院原院长王永炎院士为此书作序。该书作为我国自1996年开展中药现代化研究以来在国际上出版的第一部中药现代化研究英文专著,得到国内外同行高度评价。


我系罗国安、王义明、梁琼麟组成的研究团队近年来在中医药系统生物学研究领域取得重要进展,引起国际著名科技出版公司John Wiley关注并由出版社组织国际专家对该工作进行了匿名评审,得到专家一致好评:“The readers who concerns of TCM and pharmaceutical industry will benefit from the innovation of methodology and technology for the R&D of traditional medicine and botanical drugs, and the readers in the field of systems biology will also find fresh views and new insight proposed in this book”(关注中医药和制药行业的读者将会受益于书中传统医学及植物药研究方法和技术的创新,系统生物学研究领域的读者也将在该书中发现新观点和新思路。);“This book could help for readers to better understand the different treatment approaches to disease between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. It could also help scientists and/or TCM practitioners who interest in TCM drug development to aware the existing modern scientific technologies and establish a better experiment design and strategy”(该书可以帮助读者更好的理解中西医疗法的差异,也可使科学家们和/或对中药开发感兴趣的中医师认识到现有的现代科学技术及优化的实验设计策略的重要性。);“This book will provide information of current sciences and technologies for the development of medicines, as well as their applications in studying traditional Chinese medicine. This kind of information is crucial for researchers and physicians in the field of traditional medicine and conventional medicine”(该书提供的现代科学技术信息将有助于医药学的发展,并应用于中医药研究。这种信息对于传统医学和主流医学领域的研究者和医生都是至关重要的)。

