Dr. Xingwei Guo

Associate Professor, Principal Investigator

Center of Basic Molecular Science (CBMS), Department of Chemistry

RM S1027, Mong Man Wai Building of Science and Technology

Tel: 86-10-62791249

Email: xingwei_guo@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5461-0360


2003−2007 B.S. in Applied Chemistry, Hebei University of Technology

2007−2010 M.S. in Physical Chemistry, Renmin University of China (Advisor: Prof. Zhiping Li)

2010−2014 Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (LMU), Germany (Advisor: Prof. Herbert Mayr)

Professional Experience

2014−2015 CNRS postdoctoral fellow, CNRS-École Polytechnique, France (Advisor: Prof. Samir Z. Zard).

2015−2019 NCCR postdoctoral fellow, University of Basel, Switzerland (Advisor: Prof. Oliver S. Wenger).

2019−present Associate Professor, PI, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University.

Research Interests

The focus of Guo research group is on developing new physical organic chemistry tools and state-of-the-art scientific instruments to solve fundamental problems in light-induced electron transfer and molecular transformations, particularly in transient characterization of radical intermediates and their reactivities.

Honors and Awards

2014 Award of the Dr. Klaus Römer-Stiftung.

2014 The highest honor (summa cum laude) for the Ph.D. dissertation, LMU, Germany.

2010 Excellent M.S. thesis award, Renmin University of China.

Representative Publications

1. Zhang, S.; Zhou, S.; Qi, J.; Jiao, L.; Guo, X.* Time-Resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer Based on Ultrawide Single-Sideband Phase-Sensitive Detection. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2023, 94, 084101.

2. Qi, J.-Q.; Suo, W.; Liu, J.; Sun, S.; Jiao, L.*; Guo, X.* Direct Observation of All Open-Shell Intermediates in a Photo-catalytic Cycle. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 7140–7145.

3. Zhang, S.; Cheng, L.; Qi, J.-Q.; Jia, Z.; Zhang, L.; Jiao, L.*; Guo, X.*; Luo, S.* Characterization and Monitoring of Transient Enamine Radical Intermediates in Photoredox/Chiral Primary Amine Synergistic Catalysis Cycle. CCS Chem. 2024, DOI: 10.31635/ccschem.024.202404035.

4. Xu, S.; Zhang, H.; Xu, J.; Suo, W.; Lu, C.-S.; Tu, D.*; Guo, X.*; Poater, J.*; Solà, M.*; Yan, H.* Photoinduced Selective B–H Activation of nido-Carboranes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 7791–7802.